Help with Taxes and Customs Fees

 If you paid Taxes or Customs fees on products that we are destroying for you, you will no doubt want to get those fees back. The fees can be in the thousands of dollars and will most likely cover our destruction fees with some left over for your bottom line. We are not the experts on this but we have some information to get you heading in the right direction.

Federal Tax Help

Getting back customs fees for imported products is called Drawback and here is one of many sources to get instructions and forms. TTB or The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau is a great source to get tax money back on destruction. The TTB web site is You can find forms at The TTB Help Line is: 877-882-3277. Find Tax and Fee rate at

State Tax Help

North Carolina

North Carolina State Tax Information can be found at

To access the NC State Tax Form for Destruction of Alcohol, click here.

How do I find my North Carolina State Representative for witnessing destruction? Just click on your county at this web site map from NC Department of Revenue.

South Carolina

 South Carolina assistance with alcohol Tax recovery (803) 898-5864 Beer Forms, Wine Forms, and Liquor Forms.


 Virginia Help with Tax Drawback can be found here.